The company organized excellent staff travel to Japan on middle June,2016.
The travel has left wonderful and profound impression of the Japanese on the order, rigorous, self-confidence, enthusiasm, awareness of environmental protection, independent thinking, long-term perspective, and the spirit of self-improvement. We still need to enhance humanism spirit by changing ourselves and the environment bit by bit.
Its housing, transportation, business and restaurant is different from China, because of the smaller area.
The state becomes the second powerful in four decades after the Second World War supported by National Spirit of firm and tenacious.
They lay emphasis and work hard on details because of the small living space.
Meanwhile, they advocate struggle endless in the whole life cycle. And a lot of the old still work in the service industry.
Their family courtyard is well-proportioned, delicate, and exquisite, even though it is small.
Fangqianwuhou, clean and neat, delicate.
The Chinese are crazy on shopping around in Japan.
The economy of Japan would stagnancy extremely if there was no the contribution from Chinese.
The scenery is beautiful, and the air is pure.